Hodiaux estas tiel nomata "Tago de Virinoj". Mi ne scias kial virinoj (ne cxiuj, mi scias) gxuas gxin. Iel, mi diziras sukceson kaj felicxon al virinoj konataj okaze tiu tago.
La partoprenintojde la renkontigxo revenis hieraux vespere el la longa pielvagado. Mi iris al la hotelo por renkonti ilin sed mi estis iom malfrua kaj ili jam iris al siaj cxambroj. Mi povis salutin nur al S-ro Hori.
Narendra, Poshraj kaj Rustam tre eksciite rakontis al la gaja piedvagado kaj mi tre bedauxris ke mi mem ne povis partopreni en gxi. Ili havis ankaux belegajn fotojn ili kaptis dum la piedvagado je negxplenaj montoj. Mi gxojis ke cixuj membroj estis sanaj, felicxaj kaj bone gxuis la vagadon. Nur kelke da ili estis lacaj.
Ili hodiaux matene forveturos al Daman, alia flanko de monto de kie ili vidos panoramon de la Himalajo, kune kun Monto Everesto.
Kaj, mi hodiaux matene povis paroli kun Ursula. Sxi vokis al mia hejmo. Kaj sxi diris ke sxi estas tute sana. Mi estas felicxe ke mi renkontos ilin morgaux vespere. Kaj sabato estos la internacia vespero. Mi devas multon fari.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Monday, March 5, 2007
Environment agencies' integration in offing
Kathmandu, March 4:
The Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology (MoEST) is working to integrate major environment agencies being run under two ministries — the MoEST and the Ministry of Forest and Social Conservation (MoFSC).
The MoEST is going to find out similarities in the handling of three areas of environment – desertification, climate change and biodiversity – so that problems related to implementation as well as duplication will be traced and resolved.
Currently, desertification and climate change are handled by the MoEST, while the MoFSC is handling biodiversity.
“The ministry is going to start a project in two weeks to solve all environment-related confusions at the policy level,†said Batu Krishna Upreti, chief of the Environment Assessment Section at the MoEST.
The National Capacity Needs Self-Assessment for Global Environment Management Project (NCSAP) will identify, confirm or review priority areas for action within the three thematic areas and identify related capacity needs within and across the areas. It further intends to catalyse targeted and coordinated action, and requests for future external funding and assistance. Similarly it also intends to link country action to the boarder national environmental management and sustainable development framework. The Rs 14 million project will be nationally executed and the MoEST will be the National Executing Agency, which will last for one-and-a-half-years.
“It will find synergies among and across these areas to direct actions towards achieving the national goal of sustainable development,†he said.
Upreti further said that the outcome of the project is to identify priorities and needs for capacity building to protect the global environment, taking into account the three global conventions on biodiversity, climate change and desertification.
“For example, we have national action plan on desertification but it alone cannot work, as the subjects are closely related with biodiversity and climate change as well,†he said, adding that such confusions on policy level are going to be cleared through this project.
He further said similar projects are being implemented or are on the way to be implemented, which will be combined in the future.
Published: March 05, 2007 12:00 am On: Kathmandu
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